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Kunstner Es Gandrup  ︎ CVR 43630121 ︎ 2400 Copenhagen NV

Reading . . .

Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl - Tiqqun
Exhibition-ism: Temporal Togetherness - Mieke Bal
Med hjertet og kussen i laser - Sille Kirketerp Berthelsen
The Cultural Politics of Emotion - Sara Ahmed
King Kong Theory - Virginie Despentes
The Wretched of the Screen - Hito Steyerl
Næste kærlighed eller Laila og de andre - Vita Andersen
Undoing gender - Judith Butler
Ways of Seeing - John Berger
An Apartment on Uranus - Paul B. Preciado
Females - Andrea Long Chu
Hjertet er en fold med heste - multiple authors
Catergories We Live By - Ásta
Hold kæft og vær smuk - Vita Andersen
Gender Trouble - Judith Butler
Decolonizing Nature - T. J. Demos
all about love - bell hooks
The Contemporary Condition: Thoughts on Contemporaneity & Contemporary Art - Geoff Cox & Jacob Lund