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Kunstner Es Gandrup  ︎ CVR 43630121 ︎ 2400 Copenhagen NV


︎12 June, 2023

Designs for COSCH / Campaign

21st June
at Lot29

Launching June 21st at Lot29, Copenhagen. Come celebrate with us from 16:30 - 19:00!
COSCH launches its first drop: a small batch of shorts made from used and surplus sailcloth and t-shirts with prints.


I am proud to have designed the logo for the upcoming danish brand, COSCH. At the lauch, you will also find t-shirts designed by me, with illustrations inspired by scenes HBO’s White Lotus. By the way.. I shot their campaign for the launch: 

︎11 June, 2023

Kunstworkshop: Imaginære narrativer og foranderlighed i kunst



I am proud to be part of the program for the conference 'FRA AFSTAND TIL NÆRHED', organized by the Danish Society for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, which takes place in Vejle on 26-27 october 2023.

On the second day of the conference, together with colleague and artist Clara Jozefine Morks, we will fascilitate a workshop where we seek out changeable narratives and fabulous realities through artistic processes. How intuitive creativity can be empowering, identity-creating and collectively healing.

I recommend the conference to anyone with an interest in art, bodies, trauma understanding, open dialogue method and social rehabilitation.  The programme offers possibilities for both personal and professional delevelopment.


Kunstworkshop: Imaginære narrativer og foranderlighed i kunst

Clara holds up her red pen. Es holds up his raised index finger and we shout: "This is my case worker's magic wand."

In the workshop, we work with intuition as a tool in an artistic co-creation process. If you are curious to let go of your reason, your logic and any reservations about what is allowed to be said out loud, here you can take part in a playful, investigative space where our individual and shared narratives break down and take new form. Life witnesses, magic wands, dreamful foreheads and the big fat lie.

What does it mean for the individual to regain control of their own narrative through creativity and how can it open up for a healing process and recovery? We will try to convey this together through association exercises and immediate exclamations, which can possibly open up for what is commonly forgotten. What is commonly fragmented or ... “What comes from life.”

︎25 April, 2023

Installation work at the nursing home Solgaven in Valby 

︎14 April, 2023

Artist Talk / Samtaler om Sårbarhed i et kreativt virke

FredagsKant at Kofoeds Skole, Copenhagen

Kofoed's school invites you to FredagsKant the 14th of April 2023:
Conversations about vulnerability in creative work.

An ArtistTalk with the artist Es Gandrup, current with the exhibition "Om sindets sårbarhed". It will be a dialogue-based talk with Laura 'Las' Dyhrcrone, who is a student at the Danish Film School director's line, and Mie Rise Adrian, an anthropology student at the University of Copenhagen.


I hosted a talk at Kofoed's school, where Las Dyhrcrone and Mie Rise Adrian participated in the conversation about (psychological) vulnerability and how we relate to responsibility, dissemination and handling of vulnerability in creative projects. It was hugely rewarding. We found out, quite convincingly that there is freedom, discovery and healing to be uncovered through creativity. Many thanks to everyone who came and reflected and doubted together with us.