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Kunstner Es Gandrup  ︎ CVR 43630121 ︎ 2400 Copenhagen NV

Reappropriating my archive, 2019-2020

Archive of 400 images
Variable dimensions

I studied my archive of photographs since four years. I asked myself why I photograph, what I search for and what makes the photo whenever it is that I choose to capture it. I zoomed in my photographs to focus the crucial elements. In the end I created a new archive of ghosts of my original photographs. I reused, reappropiated my old photographs to express something new.

Selected images:

Reappropriating my archive #1, 2019

Two books, 9 x 6 cm, 75 pp. each

Reappropriating my archive #2, 2019

Digital projection on cotton, steel frame, thread, strips
180 x 120 cm 

In this installation I zoomed even closer in on my archive. I chose the one photo that was the most precise, crucial out of the archive of ghosts.

The photograph is projected on a screen, to be experienced from both sides, walking around it to interact. From one side, you block part of the projection with your body, from the other side, you receive the leftover of light coming through the screen from the projection. There is a sense of it slightly moving, because of the movement from the screen itself, standing, but tied to the ceiling.

Reappropriating my archive #3, 2020

Laser print on paper
118 x 84 cm

Exhibited at group show So there was no curtain at Filmtheater Kriterion, Amsterdam, NL