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Kunstner Es Gandrup  ︎ CVR 43630121 ︎ 2400 Copenhagen NV

When I was tying strings in my friend’s attic, a butterfly flew out of the bricks in the wall, 2020

Installation made during work session at Zolder Zilverschoon, Amsterdam, NL.

Plastic cover sheet, white string, metal hooks
Variable dimensions

Old materials left behind were covered with a plastic sheet. Round metal bolts were screwed on to the wall and ceiling, and strings tied to break up the space and catch the light.

A butterfly appeared and kept me company in the meantime.

Zolder Zilverschoon recidency program, 2020

Online curatorial work by Es Gandrup, Killian Butler, Joanne van Halteren, Signe Boilesen, Max Waterer and Preben Simensen.

Zolder Zilverschoon started as a project to question what qualifies as an art institution. It is now an ongoing artist-run residency in an attic at the Zilverschoonstraat in Amsterdam, NL. Each resident would add to the work of their predecessors, based on the ‘exquisite corpse’ method. Zolder Zilverschoon began as mainly a physical space, but became more and more embedded in the digital realm. Residents are now accepted without actually stepping into the physical space, adding work to the digital representation of the attic. Thus the project examines the validation of projects and artists based on its online presence, especially on platforms such as Google and Instagram.

︎︎︎Official website

︎︎︎Link to google 360 scan of my contribution to the space